Life Skills - Careers - Jobs - High School Diploma - Print and Go Worksheets
Life Skills - Careers - Jobs - High School Diploma - Print and Go Worksheets
Many students have a goal to be employed one day. Although post secondary training is always helpful in gaining meaningful employment, it is often not a feasible option for many students and their families. I have created this packet to help guide students with career choices for a wide range of jobs that do not require any more formal schooling after high school. Since a high school diploma might be a realistic expectation for many teenagers, this packet helps to provide students with an overview of the career choices they have to pick from after graduating.
With this purchase, students can get a real world look into entry-level jobs that can be attained with a high school diploma. It covers eleven different career options and provides students with nine skills / responsibilities that they will need for each job. A reflection activity is also included with each job choice as well.
What is great about this unit is that it is age-appropriate and presented in a manner that makes learning a lot more accessible for all levels of learners. Although originally designed for resource level, special education students, ANY teacher looking to incorporate real world learning would benefit from the life skills that these lessons offer!
Purchase Includes:
- Housekeeping Skills and Responsibilities
- Customer Service Skills and Responsibilities
- Waiter / Waitress Skills and Responsibilities
- Cashier Skills and Responsibilities
- Delivery Driver Skills and Responsibilities
- Barista Skills and Responsibilities
- Childcare Worker Skills and Responsibilities
- Line Cook Skills and Responsibilities
- Landscaper Skills and Responsibilities
- Busboy Skills and Responsibilities
- Professional Mover Skills and Responsibilities
- Reflection Sheets for EACH job choice