Life Skills Reading and Grocery Shopping: Name Brand versus Generic
Life Skills Reading and Grocery Shopping: Name Brand versus Generic
In my class, students often struggle differentiating between name brand foods and generic foods. We work a lot on sight word identification for brands so they can get better accustomed to knowing which items might typically be cheaper than other similar ones.
Kids enjoy it because they can relate to it, and can identify with the items pictured. I pair this activity up with actual shopping trips we do in the community, and have students work with a para in identifying things on their shopping list that are (1) generic and (2) name brand.
This is a fully editable activity, meaning students can drag and drop each of the items pictured into the correct category. Kids enjoy it because technology can easily be integrated, BUT if you choose not to do it that way, these sheets can easily be printed as well.
Purchase Includes:
- TWENTY prompts that ask student to place an item in either the generic or name brand box
- FIVE more prompts that challenge students with two items that students are asked to sort into the correct boxes
- That is a total of 25 fun, interactive prompts for students to enjoy!