Life Skills Real World Math: Measuring Cups, Recipes and Cooking. Unit One
Life Skills Real World Math: Measuring Cups, Recipes and Cooking. Unit One
I created this out of a necessity to find more functional real world math practice my students could learn from. Using measuring cups was the perfect fit!
With this product, you will get a total of EIGHTEEN different measuring cup scenarios that replicate real world situations your students might find themselves in. I emphasized the use of a visual for each problem so students can reference that in real life as well. I also use these for IEP goals as well and parents love them!
Purchase Includes:
- 12 questions that ask how many measuring cups are needed to make a specific amount (ex: how many 1/3 scoops to make 2/3)
- 6 questions that involve pre-marked lines on measuring cups. Students are asked to identify "about how much" is full.
- 6 blank measuring cups and specific fraction amounts posted. Students will be asked to draw an estimate of about "how much" the line should fill up to.
Both color and black & white copies are included with this purchase.